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Zero Balancing
Polarity Therapy

Zero Balancing (ZB) is a hands-on modality designed to align your physical structure as well as your energetic body.


Polarity Therapy is an energy based healing modality developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, a chiropractor. He studied Acupressure, Osteopathy, Craniosacral, Ayurveda and other modalities. He realized there are energy blocks that form in the body and must be corrected for the body to be in a state of wellness. We are able to restore balance to the body's energetic system with Polarity,through a combination of acupressure, stretching, and working with elemental pathways, which results in the well being of our physical bodies. Regular Polarity sessions can lead to a sense of greater vitality as well as creativity. Polarity is done while fully clothed.

Benefits of Polarityinclude balance, creativity, vitality, a sense of well-being, clarity, manifestation and focus.

Reiki is an ancient technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes balancing. It is “Universal Life Force Energy” that is transmitted through the palms of the hands. It benefits us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Reiki is practiced the world over, as well as in hospitals and Hospice. It compliments other medical or therapeutic techniques. During a Reiki session, the client remains fully clothed and generally lays down on a massage table. The practitioner may or may not place their hands directly on the client, while they progress through a series of hand positions from head to toe. Generally, a session is from 45-60 minutes. Reiki is not affiliated with any religion, a substitute for medical care, or about psychic readings.

HOT STONE Reiki w/ crystal layouts

Enjoy Reiki with the additional benefits of warms tones for warmth and grounding as well as crystals for balancing and centering.